Sunday, August 3, 2008

and we are back

My time ran out on the other piece. This am we took a walking tour of the Rocks in Sydney and now we are off on a coach tour to Bondi Beach and other well known tourist areas. Looking forward to it all. Next post will be this evening when I hope to be able to get some pics up on this site also.

To Kristian - Yes we are enjoying our great big adventure!!!!
To Danica - we have not seen any horses or camels
to Lexie - Not one person in a karate gi.
To RayAnne - We are going to zoo tomorrow and I know you would love all the animals.

Gran and Gramma are now on their way out the door.

And to everyone else. Will share more later. Keep tuned for more Quipay adventures........


Anonymous said...

so how many time have you heard "Good day mate"? Sounds like the fun has started- good for you

Quipay Adventures said...

Hi Marie
Not too many yet. The people in Sydney didn't use that phrase at all and here in Canberra, we haven't been out too much to hear it.
Totally enjoying our journey!
Nancy Q

Anonymous said... Missy B was quite upset that her Gramma and Gran had not yet seen a horse, are there no horses in "Straylia?"
Miss you tons...hope your having the time of your life!

Quipay Adventures said...

Hi Ang

Sorry but we have only seen a few horses. We saw the cutest miniature shetland ponies. Does this count??

We are on our way north now and will try to find horses..... This really is our great bid adventure and tell K that we will bring him lots of pics back.....
Love you lots and missing sleep.... Mom

Anonymous said...

LOL...Yep, the shetland's count...they are just like "Danny" and "Jasper" so Gramma and Gran are off the hook.
Glad to hear you are really having the adventure of a lifetime, it sounds awesome.
Miss you tons and keep on posting.
Lots of love to both.