Monday, August 18, 2008

Great fun in the OUTBACK

Just a quick check in to let you all know how much fun we are having... Our tour is full of young people under the age of 25 and then there is us!!! The old farts of the bunch. One of the hikes we have chosen not to take - like the 3 km climb up Mt. something or other at wilpena Pound. We opted for the same distance but on a flatter trail. So far one of our hikes took us to the Aboriginal cave pictures. to an abandoned homestead in Wilpena Pound, through an opal mine in Coober Pedy, to a salt lake in the middle of our drive today. We have been busy. To night we are staying in an underground hotel. For some reason our accomodations were upgraded for the first 3 nights so no dormatories for us.. This is a good thing. Tomorrow night we are at Uluru (Ayers Rock) and we will be sleeping either in a tent or under the stars in swagbags. Sounds like fun to us.

Well my time is almost done so I will write more probably from Alice Springs on Aug 21 or 22. Stay tuned...and thanks Lorenzo, for the tip on the photos problem. I will try that later...

Tomorrow we are supposed to see wild horses - Missy B will be happy, wild herds of camels, and lots of other wild animals, not counting the ones on our tour.


Anonymous said... sounds like you are having a geat time, very exciting!
Zac got your card last week and it was the best card he got...not sure where on earth you would buy a card that nice?? He is changing where he will be going to school and we'll fill you in when you get back.
Add more pictures....take care, Love Sherri.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday dear Mom/Gramma...Happy Birthday to you...Hope you are having a memorable birthday...
Miss you tons and can't wait to see you in Sept!
Much love to both...and big hugs to the Birthday Lady!

Xpresso said...

Hippo birdies 2 ewe, hippo birdies 2 ewe, hippo birdies deer ewe, hippo birdies 2 ewe.
A drum roll for the double digit rollover girl!. It is morning on the 21st here so probably afternoon on the 22nd there. Hope your day was memorable. We'll compare war stories when you get home.
Love to you both from your (younger by the minute) seester.

Anonymous said...

Happy 21st BIrthday!! (again) Hope you're having a great time outback. Girls are at camp..they send their love too.

Miss you muc. See you soon