Monday, December 15, 2008

At the Karate concert

We went to Lexie's karate Christmas concert this evening. That's Lexie on the left and RayAnne is on the right. Both are wearing the new scarves that Gran (April) knit them and their new mitts we gave them for Christmas so they will be warm in Calgary. It was a great concert, starting with the tots classes - ages up to 5 yrs. old to the adults. You can see the progression in the skill levels as you watch each group perform. Quite a few chuckles. Lexie has achieved her orange belt and has decided to join the black belt students...thus the blue gi. The ending of every karate school Christmas concert is a bit of choreographed skits which are always the highlight of the evening. This year it was better than ever. NOW I feel like it is Christmas and Tuesday is the school concert. Lexie will be singing and playing on her recorder (we used to call this a flutephone) and RayAnne will be on her ukelele. RayAnne takes ukelele very seriously, going to extra cirricular lessons and doing lots of practice. It is fun to drive her to one of her various classes and listen to her practicing in the back seat. I cannot play bingo let alone a musical instrument.....Stay tuned because I will probably be back to bore you some more about my grandchildren.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful children!

You must be so proud!

Quipay Adventures said...

Thank you and yes, I am that proud, annoying with a camera gramma!!!