Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 3 - Photo a Day

When one has lost their Christmas tree in the vast jungle called the garage, one must improvise. Here is our magnificent 4 foot fir tree that we stomped the woods to find, cut it down and dragged it miles to our van in two foot deep drifts of snow. After we loaded it on the roof of the van, we stopped for a cup of delicious hot chocolate then drove down a bumpy forestry road to get to the main highway to come home. Now putting this tree up was no easy feat. It was a struggle to haul it into the living room, to have the delightful smells of the season fill the air as we assembled all the pieces needed to create this wonderful Christmasy scene. It is truly a miracle.


Xpresso said...

Who you snowin' girlfriend? I can tell a picture of a tree from a mile away. This year I may actually chop down one of the numerous small fir trees that keep volunteering near my garden.
Love, your older sister. Who will always hold your feet to the fire...

Anonymous said...

I'm with your "older sister" on this one, Nancy! (She's the one who's 8 days older, right?)

That tree looks like someone's imagining of the perfect Christmas tree - all beautiful and no mess - the way I like 'em!

The decorations look GREAT!!!!!! (How's that for exclamation marks?!!)

Quipay Adventures said...

Didn't you read the part about the great struggle and perilous journey into the deep dark forest to pick out the perfect tree?? OH!!! That was the paper company who went into the forest to chop the tree so I could print out my Christmas tree! Busted....